Many states have statutes allowing parents to temporarily delegate certain parental powers to another person. A standard form is often available; this post provides a link to a Temporary Delegation of Parental Rights form from an authoritative source in every state where such a form is available. This post will be updated as better sources become available; please comment below if you come across broken links or better forms or resources than what I currently have:
Alabama | Illinois | Montana | Rhode Island |
Alaska | Indiana | Nebraska | South Carolina |
Arizona | Iowa | Nevada | South Dakota |
Arkansas | Kansas | New Hampshire | Tennessee |
California | Kentucky | New Jersey | Texas |
Colorado | Louisiana | New Mexico | Utah |
Connecticut | Maine | New York | Vermont |
Delaware | Maryland | North Carolina | Virginia |
District of Columbia | Massachusetts | North Dakota | Washington |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | West Virginia |
Georgia | Minnesota | Oklahoma | Wisconsin |
Hawaii | Mississippi | Oregon | Wyoming |
Idaho | Missouri | Pennsylvania |