Welcome to CPA at Law, helping individuals and small businesses plan for the future and keep what they have.

This is the personal blog of Sterling Olander, a Certified Public Accountant and Utah-licensed attorney. For over thirteen years, I have assisted clients with estate planning and administration, tax mitigation, tax controversies, small business planning, asset protection, and nonprofit law.

I write about any legal, tax, or technological information that I find interesting or useful in serving my clients. All ideas expressed herein are my own and don't constitute legal or tax advice.

50 States' Health Care Directive Forms

All states have statutes allowing individuals to (1) express their health care wishes and/or (2) appoint an agent to see that those wishes are carried out in the event of incapacity. A standard form or set of forms is available in each jurisdiction for the public to use; this post provides a link to a health care directive form or forms from an authoritative source in every state. This post will be updated as better sources become available; please comment below if you come across broken links or better forms or resources than what I currently have:

 Alabama  Illinois  Montana  Rhode Island
 Alaska  Indiana  Nebraska  South Carolina
 Arizona  Iowa  Nevada  South Dakota
 Arkansas  Kansas  New Hampshire  Tennessee
 California  Kentucky  New Jersey  Texas
 Colorado  Louisiana  New Mexico  Utah
 Connecticut  Maine  New York  Vermont
 Delaware  Maryland  North Carolina  Virginia
 District of Columbia  Massachusetts  North Dakota  Washington
 Florida  Michigan  Ohio  West Virginia
 Georgia  Minnesota  Oklahoma  Wisconsin
 Hawaii  Mississippi  Oregon  Wyoming
 Idaho  Missouri  Pennsylvania